Accidents·Personal Injury·Wrongful Death

Car Accident

Personal injury cases may be quite simple or they may be extremely complex.  Accidents can sometimes be chaotic events and each side may have a different perspective on what happened in the accident.  The parties at fault often are not entirely truthful about their fault.  In many instances of complicated accident events, the services of experts in various science, engineering, and materials disciplines are required to help prove what really happened.  Severe injuries, such as burns, fractures, head traumas, and spinal injuries, often result in severe pain; require years of surgeries, treatment, and rehabilitation; cause permanent disfigurement and scars; and necessitate long-term care.

The complexities may involve many factors, including obtaining all the evidence necessary to prove who is (and who isn’t) at fault, evaluating the extent of the visible and not-so-visible injuries, and evaluating the cost of past treatment, the present dollar value of the cost of all future treatments, the value of all lost wages – past and future, and appropriate compensation for pain, suffering, and loss of the injured person’s services to their family.

When a person Product defectis seriously injured because someone else was careless or neglectful, they need a lawyer who has the ability and experience to deal with these complexities, and access to qualified experts who can figure out and recreate the various events that caused the injuries and everything that is required to treat those injuries.  But that is not enough.  The injured person also needs a lawyer who can use these resources effectively to either convince the careless party (or their insurance company) to pay for the injuries they caused in an out-of-court settlement, or persuade a jury to render a verdict for damages against the guilty party in an amount that compensates the injured client and their family for their injuries and losses.  Attorney Benjamin Soffer has nearly 20 years of personal injury legal experience and knows what it takes to achieve a successful result for his clients.  Mr. Soffer also brings to the table nearly 15 years of engineering experience, which greatly enhances his ability to understand the chaotic dynamics of accidents and product failures, and devise the best methods to explain them to the jury.

Personal injuries don’t always involve accidents or product failures.  Quite often, innocent individuals suffer severe injuries because a property owner or a commercial tenant failed to maintain their premises in a manner that is safe for persons using or visiting the premises – be they an apartment or office building, a store, a hotel, a restaurant, a theme park, any type of business, or even vacant land.  Serious injuries can also occur when a trusted facility, such as a hospital, a nursing home, or an assisted living facility, is careless, neglectful, or abusive.

If you were seriously injured, or if a close family member was killed, because of someone else’s carelessness or inattention, please contact the Soffer Law Firm.  We represent clients in automobile, truck, train, and aircraft accident cases; persons who suffered serious injuries because someone else was careless or not paying attention; individuals who were seriously injured because a property owner or tenant failed to maintain safe premises; clients injured by defective industrial tools and machines; workers injured because of defective construction equipment; and individuals who were seriously hurt because of faulty electrical equipment, failed smoke detectors, malfunctioning power tools, dangerous heaters, defective seat belts, airbags, and tires, and many other products that caused serious injuries or death because they contained design defects, manufacture defects, or inadequate warnings.

The interests of our clients are of utmost importance to us, and we are zealous advocates for our clients.  Our goal is to obtain fair settlements for our clients, but, if necessary, we are prepared to try our cases to a jury.  We can work amicably with the opposing attorneys to try to settle our cases to the satisfaction of our clients, but we can also be very aggressive with the opposing side when the situation calls for such an approach.

We represent clients in state and federal courts in California.  Please contact us for an appointment.

Disclaimer:  This website is attorney advertising.  Its purpose is to provide general information about The Soffer Law Firm PC.  This site is not intended to be a source of legal advice.  Nothing stated on this website or by anyone from the Soffer Law Firm guarantees any specific outcome or result in any particular case.  Neither the information provided on this site nor the invitation to contact the Soffer Law Firm is intended to create an attorney-client relationship between the Soffer Law Firm and anyone else.